Monday, 14 March 2011


I want to know myself

Exegesis of the scholarly work mapped out by my chosen step

Whether they be footsteps or hand prints

Words, conversations; I want to know

To listen attentively to the echoes,

To reap what I can from the sewn seeds of behaviour

Undoing the knots, not possible as such

But to sit, embarrassed being taught by wrongdoing,

Is a lesson I hope I can sit through

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

High Piano Note

The word alone
I have so much to give
But not one place to target
So I should aim it at everything
At everyone
Let it bleed from me
Cry from me
Drip from me
Let it slip from me
Let it overcome me

Find it between the lines
Of hateful prose
And remember how close
Are the thorn and the rose
Both as real as the other
But only one
Resides near
To hearts
And feelings of love
That rest in hands
And upon lips
Of the fortunate many
Who carry heavy hearts
In their absence
But can walk lightly
In their presence

Those feelings
That may dance
At the sound
Of that high piano note