that exhibited truth and delight
and unheard uttered words
that met the grapevine
to pleasant surprise
On each knowing look, smirk
unsaid explanation; a deferred laugh;
the banishment of worry
On each solemn exchange
to reach a crux
of matters that matter to both
mutual melancholy
shared shards to the heart
On firm handshakes
and greetings
that told stories of old
and yearn for perpetuity
through this fluidity
of time's path
To each one who spoke an acceptance
unexpectedly filling a soul whole or
advice from years
they held in leverage
concern kept, shown time and again
thrice over 'til the night was over
On the hilarity
and the laughs rarely let out
repeated over
the morphing of frivolous to sublime
do you remember the time,
Michael Jackson played?
Dear every one
who belittled a broken heart
those who remind us of forgetfulness
who cure blindness
to a bounty of blessings
intentional or otherwise,
friend or other,
This, is for you.
Homes reside in friends,
and sometimes in others too.