Saturday, 11 May 2013

Eternal Sunshine

do you remember me
did that smile I left
on your face
stay long enough
was any word poetry
was any lent hand
weighted with purpose
or was facade all you saw

was your laugh forgotten
amongst the thoroughfare
where its sound lost its source
in the millions you met
were they, more memorable than I
did they stay
in your heart

was anything written
anything more
than passing clouds
that sat perfectly
for a moment alone
to then leave you be

did my touch
ever reach past
the surface we share with all
and cling to a soul's portion
who's reaching cries
went unheard 'til I came
did I ever mean that much

was anything ever
more than it was,
did meanings multiply
as I departed
and left you not alone
as our past gave way to eternal sunshine or,
is that too much to ask?