Thursday, 3 April 2014

Better in Tune With the Infinite

more than mere reaction
that encompasses yesterday
compounds the present
and screams the future
eternity is no far cry
for those who see in infinities

behaviour laden in silk
itself shrouded in mystery
with a legacy of history
hurried footsteps t'ward paradise
at Mother's feet
tear ducts follow the suit of a kindred spirit

sacrifice at the plea of companions
closed eyes through the gale
a cut against the grain
words forged that imprint the scale
more than just ink on a page
the gravitas of forever.
to hear the self cry
lama sabachtani
to rise above.

a delicate touch to agony
an embrace that painted home
in the heart of a torn soul

and of course to Love
as if you hadn't already
with a truth that turns the storm tranquil
warm hands that open eyes
to the height of intimate
and bring oneself, and a beloved
better in tune
with the infinite